Saturday, October 31, 2009

Where's the spirit of the season?

So, it's Halloween, the day of the year that I look forward to more than Christmas. That's right, I said Christmas! I spent my day at work (sadly), but when I left at 7:30, I had high hopes of seeing many a haunted house and little ghoulie on my drive home. To my extreme disappointment, the only Jack-o-lantern I saw along Hespeler was a garbage bag full-o-leaves; I only saw a handful of little ghoulies; and there were more Christmas lights and dark houses than haunted ones. In the out-of-context words of Jack Skellington, "What's this?" Where were the hordes of giggly children chasing each other down the sidewalk? Where were the faux-cobwebbed trees and loud creepy noises? Doesn't anyone's dad dress up as Wolfman and run out from behind a tree to scare the snot out of all those little candy-seeking munchkins?

When did everyone get so jaded about Halloween???

Sure, you can blame H1N1 for this year's disappointing kiddie turnout, but really, it started a couple of years ago. Halloween Recession has been taking hold for awhile now. This, to me, is terrible. I still toss around the idea of putting on a costume and just roaming the streets in order to participate, but my drive home made me wonder if this holiday is heading for dinosaur territory...

(Photo courtesy of my friend Holly. She always has the best jack-o-lanterns!)


  1. It's much worse over here in England - they barely celebrate! The only carved pumpkin I saw was my own! And I didn't see a single child dressed up roaming the streets for candy - not a one! Definitely a disappointing year for Hallowe'en. Boo (and not the good kind).

  2. Agreed!! Halloween is definitely not how was in "the good ol days". I wonder if trick-or-treating in the mall is to blame for the Halloween recession.. it seems like parents are favouring the comfort of the malls these days.
