Monday, November 23, 2009

Mandatory Twitter post

I confess I'm not a fan of Twitter. I signed up out of curiosity, but I don't use it much except to promote upcoming concerts.

We spent our PR class this afternoon learning more about Twitter and its various usefulnesses (word? It is now!). I understand how it can be useful, but to me it seems like more time spent in front of my computer, and not outside with the sunshine. I keep up with many celebrities and music news sites, but I don't tweet much. Do you really need to know that iTunes crashed my computer again? No, you don't.

Some people that I follow:

@IndieCanRadio - independent Canadian music podcast
@ExploreMusic - self-explanatory, really
@chartattack - since it's no longer a printed magazine, I read up on my fave Canadian artists ici, even though they still owe me money
@manitobamusic - the home of music made in Manitoba

PS - If you know WHY iTunes keeps crashing my computer, please advise.

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